Our approved Umbrella providers are:
Champion Contractors
T: 0161 703 2549
Contact Name: Richard Allan
E: richard@championcontractors.co.uk
T: 0800 197 6516
T: 01253 600 140
Crest Plus
T: 01244 688190
Sterling Group
T: 01925 626 200

Morson Group PSL providers are all engaged on an overarching agreement with associated indemnities and warranties. They are assessed for financial stability, ownership is sanction checked, RTI reports are provided, and we conduct regular audits. In addition, all workers are engaged on a PAYE contract of employment. These providers need to be FCSA accredited. With the Morson Group PSL we offer full compliance and avoid some of the umbrellas that are springing up which put workers at future risk.
Whilst some umbrellas may claim to be HMRC audited this isn’t a badge of approval from HMRC, as HMRC will not endorse any company. We only engage with FCSA accredited umbrella providers, this ensures they are financially stable as well as compliant with all relevant legislation. However, there are a lot of schemes designed to avoid Income Tax and National Insurance contributions (NICs), through a combination of capital advances and complex offshore joint (or mutual) share ownership arrangements. These schemes may also offer tax free T&S, which again is subject to the intermediaries’ legislation in respect to SDC, and generally put the worker. at personal financial liability. Part of our due diligence includes assessing some of the symptoms of aggressive scheme promoters such as:
- Directors with a history of phoenixing companies
- Directors with hundreds of small companies under them
- Companies registered offshore e.g., Philippines, India, and the Isle of Man
- Pay slips for an agency using different PAYE references.
- 'FREE' schemes – i.e., no margin charged to the worker, high take home pays promised.
As a business we have a duty to ensure all parties in the supply chain, and more importantly the actual workers, are protected from the risks associated with non PSL umbrella providers. HMRC are very firm on this within their guidance and FCSA accreditation is an industry accepted compliance by the REC (Recruitment & Employment Confederation). Furthermore, we are also governed by The Criminal Finance Act (as amended September 2017).