Business Analysts in Manchester: A guide to source the best talent
Pubished 23rd February 2020
Business analysts help organisations enhance their processes, services and software by analysing business data. The data helps business analysts to identify needs and resolve business challenges.
There are currently 1520 Business Analyst professionals in Manchester and 34% of them have changed jobs in the last year. The average contractor daily rate is £464 while the average permanent salary is £52,000.
Fast stats on Business Analysts
LinkedIn Talent Insights, February 2020 |
Business Analysts in Manchester
Changed jobs in the last year
Avg. Contractor daily rate
Avg. perm salary
Gender breakdown
The Business Analyst workforce in Manchester has a male majority of 60% whilst 40% are female.
What schools are producing Business Analyst talent?
Among the universities where most graduates are placed into Business Analyst roles in Manchester, The University of Manchester comes out on top with 106 professionals, followed by The University of Salford with 104 professionals.
Top 3 fields of study for Business Analysts
36.6% of Business Analyst professionals have studied in the IT field, while 35% and 28.4% have studied in Business Admin & Management and Maths respectively.
University degrees
Most of the Business Analyst professionals in Manchester have a bachelor’s degree (65.7%) while close to a quarter (24.2%) have a master’s degree.
Top 3 most common skills among Business Analysts
The number of Business Analysts that list the skill on their LinkedIn profile
Business Analysis
Stakeholder Management
Business Process Improvement
Most common skills among Business Analysts
The top three skills that Business Analyst professionals list on their LinkedIn profile are Business Analysis (96%), Stakeholder Management (35%) and Business Process Improvement (29%).
Fastest growing titles among Business Analysts
Business Analyst Contract, Business Analyst and Senior Business Analyst are the top three fastest-growing titles among Business Analyst professionals in Manchester.
Fastest growing skills among Business Analysts
Product Development, Financial Reporting and User Stories are the top three fastest-growing skills among Business Analyst professionals in Manchester.
Top companies hiring Business Analysts
The top companies in the UK that have grown their Business Analyst teams in the last year are Lloyds Banking Group (76%), BBC (54%) and RBS (40%).
Industries hiring Business Analysts
The industries where the most Business Analyst professionals have been hired are IT & Services (211), Higher Education (90) and Management Consulting (61).
One year growth in industries hiring Business Analysts
The industries that have experienced the biggest growth in Business Analyst professionals in Manchester over the last year are Legal Services (54%), Telecommunications (36%) and Business Supplies (33%).

Looking to hire?
If you're looking to hire Business Analysts or other digital professionals please fill in the form below and one of our experts will be in contact.