Everything you need to know about Kubernetes specialists in Greater Boston
Pubished 19th January 2021
In Greater Boston, Massachusetts there are currently 3125 Kubernetes specialists and 35% of them have changed jobs in the last year. The average tenure is 1.4 years.
Fast stats on Kubernetes specialists
LinkedIn Talent Insights, January 2021
Kubernetes specialists in Greater Boston
Changed jobs in the last year
Avg. tenure in years
Gender breakdown
The Kubernetes workforce in Greater Boston has a male majority of 86% whilst 14% are female.
What schools are producing Kubernetes specialists?
Among the educational institutions where most graduates are placed into Kubernetes roles in Greater Boston; Northeastern University comes out on top with 455 Kubernetes specialists. Boston University comes in second with 163 Kubernetes specialists followed by University of Massachusetts Lowell with 112.
Top 3 fields of study for Kubernetes specialists
The number of Kubernetes specialists that studied in the field
Computer Science
Computer Engineering
Information Technology
University degrees
47% of Greater Boston's Kubernetes specialists have a bachelor's degree while 44% have a master's degree.
Top 3 most common skills among Kubernetes specialists
The number of Kubernetes specialists in Greater Boston that list the skill on their LinkedIn profile
Software Development
Docker Products
Most common skills among Kubernetes specialists
The majority (81%) of Kubernetes specialists in Greater Boston list Software Development as a skill on their LinkedIn profile. Docker Products and Java are also among the top skills listed at 69% and 65% respectively.
Fastest growing skills among Kubernetes specialists
Back-End Web Development is the fastest-growing skill among Kubernetes specialists in Greater Boston with an increase of 105% over the past year. Followed by Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) and Terraform with increases of 94% and 80% respectively.
Most common titles among among Kubernetes specialists
Fastest growing titles among Kubernetes specialists
Owner is the fastest-growing title among Kubernetes specialists in Greater Boston, followed by Sales Engineer and Instructional Assistant.
Top companies hiring Kubernetes specialists
Wayfair is the top company hiring Kubernetes specialists in Greater Boston with 149 professionals. Red Hat comes in second with 121 professionals followed by IBM with 72.
Industries hiring Kubernetes specialists
Computer Software is the top industry in Greater Boston where Kubernetes specialists are hired with 796 professionals. IT & Services comes in second with 629 Kubernetes specialists followed by Internet with 299.

Looking to hire?
If you're looking to hire Kubernetes specialists or other please fill in the form below and one of our experts will be in contact.