Everything you need to know about TypeScript software engineers in Manchester
Pubished 6th October 2022
There are currently 1323 TypeScript software engineers in Manchester and 38% of them have changed jobs in the last year.
Fast stats on TypeScript software engineers in Manchester
LinkedIn Talent Insights, October 2022
TypeScript software engineers in Manchester
Changed jobs in the last year
Average salaries
Gender breakdown
The TypeScript software engineering workforce in Manchester has a male majority of 84% whilst 16% are female.
Top universities
Among the universities where most graduates are placed into TypeScript software engineering roles in Manchester, The University of Manchester comes out on top with 208 professionals. The Manchester Metropolitan University comes in second with 159 professionals followed by The University of Salford with 89.
Top 3 fields of study
The number of TypeScript software engineers in Manchester that studied in the field
Computer Science
Computational Science
Computer Software Engineering
University degree
69% of Manchester's TypeScript software engineering talent have a bachelor's degree while 25% have a master's degree.
Top 3 most common skills among TypeScript software engineers
The number of TypeScript software engineers that list the skill on their LinkedIn profile
Most common skills among TypeScript software engineers
92% of TypeScript software engineers in Manchester list JavaScript as a skill on their LinkedIn profile while 80% list Node.js and 64% list CSS.
Fastest growing skills among TypeScript software engineers
REST APIs, Terraform and Jest are the fastest-growing skills that TypeScript software engineers in Manchester list on their LinkedIn profile.
Fastest growing titles among TypeScript software engineers
Software Engineer Intern, Associate Software Engineer and Junior Software Engineer are the three fastest-growing titles among TypeScript software engineers in Manchester.
Most common titles among TypeScript software engineers
Web Developer, Frontend Developer and Freelance Web Developer are the three most common titles among TypeScript software engineers in Manchester.
Companies using TypeScript software engineers
cinch, THG, BBC are the top three employers of TypeScript software engineers in Manchester.

Looking to hire?
If you're looking to hire TypeScript software engineers or other digital professionals please fill in the form below and one of our experts will be in contact.